Kinetotherapy, Physical Educationand Sports Performance: Educational Perspectives

“Kinetotherapy, Physical Education and Sports Performance: Educational Perspectives” is an annual publication published in order to expand knowledge through research and expertise.

The purpose of the journal is to stimulate and transmit the results of the research and the development of the theory on problems regarding sport and human movement.

This journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fundamental research in fields such as education, health and fundamental field oriented to physical education and sports, culture and physical therapy, leisure and recreational physical activities, sports medicine, adapted sports, sports psychology and different other related fields.

The journal will be able to provide readers with updated information from all mentioned areas. The analyzes from various theoretical and methodological perspectives are encouraged to stimulate additional research, critical thinking and the development of theory on the topics presented.

The journal publishes original papers, review articles, technical reports, book reviews, editorials, case studies, or communications, in all mentioned areas by the teachers, academicians, research scholars, corporate and practitioners with substantial experience and expertise in their respective fields.

The KPESP is an electronic journal that aims to present easy access to scientific knowledge for sport science.

All the materials sent for publication in the KPESP journal are presented exclusively to this journal. The papers sent to the KPESP should not be published elsewhere in another language and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere, if taken into account by KPESP.

The research documents must be drafted in the journal’s tamplate and sent to [email protected] for review.

If human subjects are involved, informed consent, privacy protection, other human rights are additional criteria against which the manuscript will be appreciated. Should provide a statement to confirm that the authors have obtained all the necessary ethical approvals.

The references can be returned to the author for modification if presented in an incorrect format.

The copyright statement is necessary to accompany all articles. (Download the Copyright document from our web site). The statement will be signed and sent by e-mail, scanned in PDF format.