Counseling and guidance activities – 1st year of studies
Dear BA and MA freshmen,
We invite you to attend to the Counseling and guidance activities necessary for the good development of the didactic activities, and organized for the 1st year of studies within the RAU Campus and at the RAU Sports Center.
Counseling and guidance activities – schedule:
In the current pandemic situation, please take into account the following aspects:
- Participation to these activities it is not mandatory, but it is recommended;
- We kindly ask you to come alone, in order to respect all the requirements for social distancing;
- Access to RAU campus is possible only with a mask that covered perfectly your mouth and nose, and your temperature will be checked at the entrance (it must be under 37,3º C);
- We kindly ask you to disinfect your hands at the entrance, using the solutions available in the location;
- Please maintain a distance of minimum 1.5 meters between you and other people, while being in the RAU campus.
Participation to the counseling and guidance activities within RAU campus and at the RAU Sports Center requires the participants’ registration.
We hope to have the pleasure of your company! 🙂