Email: [email protected]
Short description:
- Silvia Tăbușcă is a Law Lecturer at the Romanian-American University, School of Law (Director of the Center for Human Rights and Migration), and the Coordinator of the Human Security Program at the European Center for Legal Education and Research.
- She has been working in the field of international human rights protection for over fifteen years, with a specific focus on non-discrimination and, more recently, on human security. Silvia is recognized as a leading consultant, researcher, trainer & coach, working with the United Nations, Interpol, Council of Europe & GRETA, EU institutions and MS embassies in Romania.
- She is, also, an External Evaluator of the European Commission in the evaluation of projects for COST Actions, Horizon 2020, AMIF-Integration, EACEA, and an Independent Evaluator for Romanian scientific research proposals (UEFISCDI/BrainMap).
- Silvia holds a Post-Doctorate from the Romanian Academy (of Sciences), a Doctorate in Law (with honors) and a M.S. in Public International Law from the University of Bucharest, Romania, as well as a LL.M. in Intercultural Human Rights (cum laude) from St. Thomas University, Miami, Florida.
- Before joining the Romanian-American University, Silvia worked as a researcher for the University of Bucharest, School of Law, as a personal advisor for the Romanian Minister of Justice and as a human rights expert for the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations – NYC. Since 2010, she has been a civil rights mediator with training on negotiation (PON/Harvard) and on effective rapid decisions (POJ/Yale).
- Silvia has received the Fall 2017 WSOS Professional Fellowship on Democracy & Human Rights (Community Organizing – Undocumented Migrants & Human Trafficking/Smuggling) from the U.S. Department of State and she has been nominated for the international award – 2015 “Hero Acting to End Modern Slavery”
Member of professional associations/organizations:
- Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime;
- International Refugee Rights Initiative;
- Civil Hub Against Organized Crime in Europe (CHANCE)
- Council for European Studies at Columbia University (NYC) – Immigration Research Network;
- International Refugee Rights Initiative’s Rights in Exile Programme;
- ECPR – European Consortium for Political Research (Standing Groups – Immigration and Ethnicity; Organized Crime; Human Rights and Transitional Justice);
- WASET – World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology;
- PHAP – Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection;
- ESIL – European Society of International Law;
- ENCLE – European Network for Clinical Legal Education;
- GAJE – Global Alliance for Justice Education;
- ACUNS – The Academic Council of the United Nations System;
- HREA – Human Rights Education Associates;
- CAESAR – Center for Accessing the Expertise of Students and Alumni from Romania (LSRS – League of Romanian Students Abroad)
Fields of interest/research:
- Human Security (migration, refugees, human trafficking, illegal organs removal, poverty, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility & the rights of future generations, cybersecurity)
- Democracy & the Rule of Law (anti-corruption, institutional reform, Paris Principles, access to public information, declaration of assets, conflicts of interest, transparency, access to justice, security vs. human rights, separation of powers, community/political organizing, fake news)
- Non-discrimination (disability, religion, Roma, women, rights of the child, aliens)
- Helping vulnerable people, traveling, painting, music