RAU International Week: “Exchange of good practices in internationalisation”

RAU International Week: “Exchange of good practices in internationalisation” Between June 20-24, 2022, the Erasmus + Office from the Romanian-American University organizes the International Week – “Exchange of good practices in internationalization” dedicated to partner universities. The event will be attended by representatives of partner universities from: Chile (Unidersidad Finis Terrae), Peru (Universidad San Ignacio…

7th edition of the K-Lovers Festival

The Romanian-Korean Studies Center (RKSC) within the Romanian-American University is excited to announce the 7th Edition of the K-Lovers Festival, organized along with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Romania. The Festival will be held between 12-14th of May 2022 and will feature live performances, food and traditional Korean games, as well as workshop…

Lecture on the impact of the Ukraine crisis on the international security environment

Impact of the Ukraine crisis on the international security environment – the role of Romania and implications for Northeast Asia The Center for Romanian-Korean Studies (CRKS) within the Romanian-American University is excited to announce the 7th Edition of the K-Lovers Festival, organized along with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Romania. For this year’s…

Event: ”Statistical Data and Economic Knowledge in Socialist Romania”

Event: ”Statistical Data and Economic Knowledge in Socialist Romania” The American Studies Center (ASC) within the Romanian-American University is pleased to announce a new installment of its Monthly Lecture Series.  We invite you to the event entitled ”Statistical Data and Economic Knowledge in Socialist Romania”, held Online on 10th of May 2022, between 4 – 5 PM, by Narcis Tulbure,…

FMRS 2022: ”The effects of the current overlapping crises on the global and Romanian economy”

The Romanian-American University is a partner of FMRS 2022 – ”The effects of the current overlapping crises on the global and Romanian economy”, that will take place on 8th of April 2022, between 10 AM and 1:30 PM, at the Romanian Senate. The Free Market Road Show (FMRS) offers pro-market solutions to current problems in 40 European countries,…

Event: ”Study Opportunities in Japan”

The Department of Asian Studies within the Romanian-American University, through the ”Angela Hondru” Romanian-Japanese Studies Center, is pleased to announce a new presentation organized with the support of the School of Global and Community Studies from University of Fukui. We invite you to the online event entitled ”Study Opportunities in Japan”, held on 22nd of March 2022, starting…