Award Ceremony – Certificate of Excellence offered to the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania

At the Senate Hall of the Romanian-American University, took place the Award Ceremony of the Certificate of Excellence offered to H.E. Mr. Kim Yong Ho, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania, for the contribution to the development of bilateral relations, the promotion of Korean Culture in Romania and the ongoing support for the…

Event: ”Crisis, Rhetoric and Right-Wing Populist Incumbency in the Case of Donald Trump”

The American Studies Center (ASC) within the Romanian-American University is pleased to announce the 2nd installment of its Monthly Lecture Series.  We invite you to the online event entitled ”Crisis, Rhetoric and Right-Wing Populist Incumbency in the Case of Donald Trump”, held on 9th of March 2022, starting at5 PM, by Dr. Corina Lacatus, on ZOOM platform.  Dr.…

The humanitarian campaign #PeaceUkraine

The members of the academic community of the Romanian-American University show their solidarity with the Ukrainian people and call for their support through donations and volunteering. We launch the humanitarian campaign #PeaceUkraine and invite to #Solidarity. Our students, teachers and graduates use the platform of the Romanian Government “Ukraine – Together we help more” and…

RAU in the category of the most performing higher education institutions in Romania

Romanian-American University, in the category of the most performing higher education institutions in Romania Following the classification process of the universities in Romania, carried out this year by the Ministry of Education and ARACIS, with the support of the World Bank, the Romanian-American University was included in the category of the most performing higher education…

Mentorship in Publishing: Strategies for Success in Submitting Scholarship for Publication

The American Studies Center (ASC) within the Romanian-American University is pleased to announce its Monthly Lecture Series. These virtual and in-person gatherings will bring together experts on a variety of topics of pressing concern in the contemporary world, featuring experts from our broad RAU networks.  We are happy to invite you to the Center’s first talk of…

Romanian-Indian Study Center

Today, 7th of December 2021, took place the official opening of the Romanian-Indian Study Center at the Romanian-American University. After the opening ceremony, the online event “The Role and Place of India in The World Economy” was organized. With this ocassion, H.E. Mr. Rahul Shrivastava, Ambassador of India to Romania, Moldova and Albania, offered a…