IONIȚĂ GHEORGHE-IULIAN, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Short description:
- GHEORGHE-IULIAN IONIȚĂ, graduated (1996) the Faculty of Law at Romanian-American University. The PhD in Law was conferred on him (2009), the doctoral and post-doctoral research focusing on cybercrime.
- He is associate professor at the “Legal Sciences” Department, associate researcher at the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy and barrister at the Bucharest Bar.
- As author/co-author, he has published 20 academic courses / specialized works, at recognized publishing houses and 60 articles / studies, in specialized journals / volumes of scientific events.
- The expertise in this field recommended him as a manager / member in grants / projects / research contracts, member of the organizing committee / moderator of scientific events and conferences trainer at conferences / training courses for magistrates.
Member of professional associations/organizations:
- Union of Jurists of Romania
- Romanian Association of Penal Sciences
- Romanian Association for Lae and European Affairs
- European Society of Criminology
- Romanian Society of Criminology and Forensic Sciences
- Romanian Forensic Association
- Romanian Society of Authors and Publishers of Scientific Works PERGAM
- Bucharest Bar
- Bucharest College of Legal Advisers
Fields of interest/research:
- Penal Law
- Penal Procedural Law
- Penal Policy
- Criminology
- Forensic Science
- Environmental Law
Hobbies: –