Email: [email protected]
Short description:
- Professor of Marketing;
- Editor-in-Chief “Holistic Marketing Management”;
- Chairman Romanian Distribution Committee;
- Editor-in-Chief “Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine”;
- Thanks (Letter) received from European Rapporteur for the “Green Book on Commerce” European Commission, 1997, for his contribution to the professional development of European Commerce;
- Brussels Diplomatic Gazette, no. 45/December 2004, introduces him as a “Personality of the Associative International World, enjoying a Great Reputation”;
- Honorary Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, 1998;
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Romanian Competition Council, from 2010;
- Associate Scientific Researcher, Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economic Research, 2004;
- Member of the Romanian Academy’s Commission for the Prospective Studies, 2010;
- Honorary Member of the Romanian Scientific Society of Management (SSMAR), 2010;
- Author and coauthor of books (30), and articles (400);
- Prizes awarded by the Romanian Academy in 2001, and 2007;
- Editorial Consultant and Co-author of the Volume “Pages from the Romanian Economic Higher Education History, 1843-2013”;
- Romanian Association for Consumers’ Protection honor award, 2015;
- Speaker at the “SHOP 2015” Conference, Expo Milano (he presented a “Road Map for the Store of the Future between connectivity and convergence”, as a World Premiere);
- Promoter of the competition culture in Romania;
- Member of the Advocacy Working Group, Co-author of the First International Competition Network Report, 2002;
- At OECD, February 2002 (it was recorded in “La Gazette du Palais”, 29-30, Paris) he received congratulations from Mario Monti, Al. Schaub and F. Jenny;
- He reported the findings of the Second Annual Reunion of ICN, 2003 (Co-president, at the proposal of the European Commission, along with the representative of the Federal Trade Commission, USA, of the Working Group for the Capacity Building of the Competition Authorities;
- First author of the book „The ongoing challenge: How to remain competitive in the global service economy”, presented in September 2010, in Brussels, in “Distribution d’Aujoud’hui” and “Distributie vandaag”.
Member of professional associations/organizations:
- Romanian Distribution Committee
Fields of interest/research:
- Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing, B2B Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Brand Management, Marketing and Competition, Distribution and Merchandising, Consumer Behavior, Customer Experience Management, Logistics and Distribution Management, Customer Relationship Management, Holistic Marketing Management
- Literature, Music, Sports