Academic Elections






Dept. CIEEA (Commerce, Economic Integration and Business Administration)

Dept. EFSK (Physical Education, Sport and Kinesiotherapy)

Dept. FCC (Finance, Credit, Accounting)

Dept. ISM (Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics)

Dept. LS (Foreign Languages)

Dept. MM (management-Marketing)

Dept. SJ (Law Sciences)



  • Based on art.80 of the Methodology regarding the process of setting up and choosing the management structures and positions of the Romanian-American University, the newly elected Senate will proceed to choose its President:
    “Art.80. In the first meeting of the newly elected Senate, its members will elect, through secret voting and based on simple majority, a President of the Senate.”
    Candidates for the position of RAU Senate President can register on Wednesday, 26.02.2020, between 8.00-11.00, at the RAU Registrar (1st Floor, Building C, Rectorate).
    The election process for the RAU Senate President will take place on 26.02.2020, at 12.00, during the Senate meeting.









Applications are submitted to the RAU Registrar (Building C, 1st Floor)

Schedule: Monday – Thursday 8.00 – 16.00, Friday 8.00 – 14.00